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 Berk` Benjamin Training Systems


Our Service begins with a consultation, which  includes a hair analysis comprehensive lab report.

The results thoroughly describe each toxic product that comes back ​high or low, where it comes

from and the symptoms that occur. A hair analysis can give you an accurate picture of your health

history and even conditions ​​that may ​​start occurring.

hair analysis

A hair analysis kit is an incredibly powerful tool to expose the toxicants that can cause the ​​effects ​​of  premature aging, preventable diseases and restore a youthful ​​appearance in mind and body,  we can customize a  program to combat premature aging, preventable diseases, recover your health, energy and vitality. The reason a hair analysis is the most importance tool is it's the main place the body dumps excess toxicity storage away from vital organs. The  toxicity deposited in the hair reveal all kinds of things about your body chemistry. 

Our analysis can help you with... More..

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Berk` Benjamin Salon

1010 N Glebe Rd, ArlingtonVa.



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